Monday, December 6, 2010

The Salvia Diaries: Third Eye

A laughing Buddha's
Chuckle echoed
In a room of coloured cubes
As I lay motionless and fearful

I implored him
"Make me normal,
I cannot bear my
Present state much longer"

He laughed
Slowly fading into
The vastness of eternity
As I drooled unto my lap

Then from a distant galaxy
He muttered:
"Let go, Let go, you must let go"
"You must release the ego"

And from beyond the furthest reaches
Of a vacuous, endless ebony
A finger sprung like shooting star
Landing at the centre of my brow

In its place, this supernova
Left radiant beauty mark
A nebula of illumination
This third eye... incandescent

And henceforward I understood
With every fibre of my being
All which previously unknown
Bright as sun rays in my palms

Oh facade of self-containment
Artificial sweetener
Of the feeble minded
Nonexistent comfort
For we are all bound by natural forces
And our actions and decisions
Governed by our surroundings
By our circumstantial environment
Freedom! Oh creation of man
Our inferiority complex

Oh human complex
Horse blinders of the ill-advised
Finite measure of the blinded
You see only beginning and end
Fail to see the present
And beyond...
Can you grasp infinity?
StarDUST to StarDUST
This universal concept
How it goes unnoticed

How can things that are,
Not be accepted because the ARE?
Does there need to be a creator
For creation to occur?
How does one get caught up in how we got here
And lose track of where we're headed,
Or even worse, of where we ARE?

Living is as easy as breathing
In fact it's much more simple
You live and that's sufficient
For in the grander scheme of things
Our lives are insignificant...
Yet, completely significant...
We do not realize that we are smaller
Than grains of sand
At the bottom of the vastest ocean
Yet, we hold the potential of the soil
In the most fertile valley.
And, that life itself is like a lotus flower,
A Beautiful Uncertainty

Thank you Catlin Ames!

© José V. Guerra Awe

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