Monday, December 6, 2010


My mind is ink infused
While I take time to muse
Over concepts tornado-ing
Within the confines
Of fused bone and flesh

And in the second it takes
To bring pen to hand
What was just a black hole
A brain inflammation
Turns into a supernova
Of obscure information

Then, ethereally
Thoughts materialize into
Word tattoos
Voyaging From neurons to canvas
Travelling across peak
And valley of the mind...
From muscles to fingertips
Ballpoint to paper

Sadly, my mind is
Forced through a taper
A funnel, a straw
For my thoughts are galactic
Eclectic and charged
My mind is too large
For my pen to express
And my pen is too small
For notions as poetic as these

Still, my fingers undress
The thoughts and ideas
That garb my soul’s magnificence
This cloak is impressed
On the fibres that comprise
My consciousness
And sub-consciousness

But, this striptease
This peepshow
Of my souls inner core
Will it transgress
The laws of self-preservation?
Will paper and pen
Be enough to de-stress?

Will states change?
Will my mental elements undergo
Thought sublimation?
Gaseous philosophy
To solid brick word?

Will it suffice to
Translate, to convert
To destroy, then create
What my skull stifles?
What my eyes do so well
To cork up... to seal?
Or will pen prevail
While brain waves riffle
From cortex to paper?

If I’m busy pondering
Answers to my questions
Or a reason to my madness;
Are you even wondering
What lines would be imbued
Upon a snow white sheet
If you had a pen in hand?

…So, while I try to
Conceptualize ways to
Gather MY thoughts
And verbalize ideas
Please take a moment
While I’m on the brink
Of acidic
Eruptions of inspiration

Please take a second
To th[INK]
With your Ink!

© José V. Guerra Awe

1 comment:

  1. Excellent piece, as a young poet I look up to people like you Jose
